The Computer Services Department is located in Room 306 on the third floor of the Library Building.
Malwarebytes Installation
Download Malwarebytes to Install (for EOSC employees only)
Tips for Accessing Budgets and Financial Data in Self Service
Blackboard is Eastern's learning management system. All classes (face-to-face, hybrid and online) will have a presence on Blackboard. You will use Blackboard regularly to access your course syllabus, lecture slides and readings; view announcements and notifications from your instructors; submit assignments; and participate in discussion boards and quizzes.
Please note that Google Chrome is the recommended internet browser for Blackboard.
Eastern uses a Single Sign-On service in an effort to decrease the number of passwords required to access applications across the college. Use your E-Key to log into Blackboard.
If you have NEVER logged into your EOSC email, you will need to activate your E-Key before you can sign into any applications. Visit for instructions.
If you receive an "Error 403: org_internal” error" when you try to log into Blackboard, it means you are attempting to log in using a non-EOSC email address. This error usually happens when a user is currently logged into a non-EOSC profile on Chrome. You will need to sign out of the current profile and log into the profile using your EOSC email and password.
If you are unable to log in via an App on your mobile device after an application upgrade, change in authentication(login) method, or if the App is slow, please follow the below steps to clear the application's cache.
For Android:
For iPhone:
Students use Self Service for academic advising, planning and enrolling in classes, viewing financial information, paying tuition, and checking grades.
Eastern uses a Single Sign-On service in an effort to decrease the number of passwords required to access applications across the college. Use your E-Key to log into Self Service.
If you have NEVER logged into your EOSC email, you will need to activate your E-Key before you can sign into any applications. Visit for instructions.
If you receive an "Error 403: org_internal” error" when you try to log into Self Service, it means you are attempting to log in using a non-EOSC email address. This error usually happens when a user is currently logged into a non-EOSC profile on Chrome. You will need to sign out of the current profile and log into the profile using your EOSC email and password.
Please watch this video guide for instructions on how to register for classes. Download and review the instructions linked below for other assistance.
How to Drop a Course (pdf)
How to Designate Your Direct Deposit (interactive tutorial)
Navigate is an online platform and app designed to help you succeed and to enhance your experience at Eastern. Visit the Navigate information webpage to learn about what you can do with the app and how to access it.
You can also log in to Navigate using a web browser at any time. Visit to log in.
Eastern uses a Single Sign-On service in an effort to decrease the number of passwords required to access applications across the college. Use your E-Key to log into Navigate.
If you have NEVER logged into your EOSC email, you will need to activate your E-Key before you can sign into any applications. Visit for instructions.
If you receive an "Error 403: org_internal” error" when you try to log into Navigate, it means you are attempting to log in using a non-EOSC email address. This error usually happens when a user is currently logged into a non-EOSC profile on Chrome. You will need to sign out of the current profile and log into the profile using your EOSC email and password.
Contact for Navigate login assistance and technical support.
Eastern provides email accounts for all enrolled students. Your account is maintained for a period of two years, so you will have the same email address for your entire time at Eastern. It is important that you check your email regularly. Eastern faculty and staff use your student email to send information such as emergency closings, important deadlines, and other campus announcements.
If you have NEVER logged into your EOSC email, you will need to activate your E-Key before you can sign into email or any other applications.
You cannot use a personal Google GMail address to log into any EOSC applications. If you are attempting to sign in with a personal Google account, your authentication attempt will fail with a "403 org_internal" error. You must use your EOSC Email address and E-Key credentials. Please check that you are signed in to your Google profile using your EOSC account information and not your personal profile information. If you receive a different error or continue to experience issues, contact Computer Services at 918-465-1748 or 918-465-1710.
Eastern students get free access to Office 365 as long as they're a student. Office 365 includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Teams. Use your EOSC email address to get started.
When connecting to campus wifi, we may require that you provide your MAC address. Find instructions, as well as some first-time-setup guides, for your device below.
Windows 10
Open the Command Prompt by right-clicking on the Start button (located in the lower-left corner of the screen) and select Command Prompt from the menu. Alternatively, press the Windows Key on your keyboard, type cmd into the Search bar, then press Enter on your keyboard.
Enter ipconfig /all into the Command Prompt window and press Enter on your keyboard.
The wireless MAC address will be listed under Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi next to Physical Address. The wired MAC address will be listed under Ethernet adapter Ethernet next to Physical Address.
Open the Apple menu.
Click System Preferences > Network.
Select your network connection and click Advanced.
You will find the MAC address on the hardware tab.
Chrome OS
Click the wifi network icon.
At the top of the box, click information.
You will find the MAC address displayed as the wifi address.
iPhone & iPad
Open the Settings app.
Select Wi-Fi > select the network.
Wi-Fi Address is listed under Private Wi-Fi Address.
Android & Pixel
The specific instructions for finding the MAC address of an Android device may vary slightly based on the manufacturer.
Open the Network & Internet > Internet > SSID > Randomized MAC Address
Windows Phone
On the main Windows phone screen, swipe left and select Settings.
In the Settings screen, select About > more info.
The MAC address will be listed under phone information.
For Wireless MAC address:
Plug in your Apple TV and follow the set up until you reach the step to connect to a network.
Select a wireless network and attempt to connect. This will fail, which is normal.
The wireless MAC address should now be displayed on the Apple TV’s screen.
For Wired MAC address:
Connect your Apple TV to an Ethernet port.
On the Apple TV, navigate to Settings > General > Network. Record the MAC address listed.
Amazon Fire TV
Plug in your Amazon Fire TV stick into your TV
If this is the first time using this Fire TV device, the wireless MAC address will appear in the list of wireless networks during setup at the far-right of the list.
If this Fire TV stick has been used in the past, navigate to Settings > System > About > Network and the wireless MAC address will be listed at this screen.
From the Roku home screen, select Settings > System > About > Wireless MAC Address
Visit Settings on your Chromecast app.
The MAC address will be listed at the bottom of the window.
Smart TV
Each smart tv is unique; however most MAC addresses are visible in the Settings Menu in the Network or About sections.
Alternatively, check with the manufacturer of your smart tv for instructions on how to obtain the MAC address for your specific model.
Select Settings
Select Device
Select Network
Select Status info
Nintendo Switch
From the Switch’s Home menu, go to System Settings
Scroll down and select Internet.
The MAC address will appear under System MAC Address.
Nintendo Wii U
From the Wii U main menu, select System Settings.
Select Internet > View MAC Address. The wired/wireless MAC address will be listed.
Nintendo Wii
Select Wii Settings.
Select Internet > Console Information.
The wireless MAC address is listed under MAC Address. The wired MAC address is listed under LAN Adapter MAC Address.
Nintendo 3DS
From the 3DS’s main menu, go to System Settings > Internet Settings > Other Information.
Select Confirm MAC Address. The wireless MAC address will appear.
Select Settings > Device > Network > Status Info
The MAC address will be listed on the Status Info screen.
Xbox One
If you are setting up your Xbox One for the first time:
Complete the initial setup until you reach the network connection step.
Attempt to connect to Device-Northwestern. This will fail, which is normal.
Select Fix it.
Wait for the troubleshooter to fail.
The MAC addresses will now be listed. Use Wired MAC for Ethernet connections and Wireless MAC for Wi-Fi connections.
If you have previously set up your Xbox One:
From the Xbox One home screen, select Settings.
Under the Console tab, select Network.
Select Advanced Settings. The wired and wireless MAC addresses will be displayed
Xbox 360
From the Xbox 360 main menu, go to My Xbox > System Settings > Network Settings > Configure Network
Select the Additional Settings tab and then select Alternate Mac Address.
The wired and wireless MAC addresses will be listed at the bottom of this screen.
Power on the Xbox with no disc in the tray.
Visit the Xbox Dashboard.
Choose Xbox Live.
Visit the Connect Status screen.
Select Settings.
From the Network Settings screen, you will see the MAC address in the bottom right corner.
PlayStation Vita
Open the Settings and tap Start
Tap System
Tap System Information
The MAC is on this screen
Status List.
You can find the MAC address listed under MAC Address.
PlayStation 4
On the PlayStation 4 main menu, go to Settings > System > System Information.
The wired address will appear next to MAC Address (LAN Cable). The wireless MAC address will appear next to MAC Address (Wi-Fi).
PlayStation 3
From the PlayStation 3 main menu, select Settings > System Settings > System Information.
The wireless and wired MAC address will be listed on the screen.
Amazon Echo
Download the Amazon Alexa app to your phone or computer and sign in with your Amazon account.
Connect to the wireless network transmitted by your Echo device.
The wireless MAC address for your Echo can be found at the bottom of the Echo Setup screen in the Alexa app.
Google Home
Plug in your Google Home.
Download and open the Google Home app on your phone.
You should see your Google Home listed. Select it then press Set Up.
Accept the prompt allowing your phone to connect to your Google Home.
Answer the set up questions listed.
Enter the location of your Google Home and select Continue.
The wireless MAC address will be listed at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Most web browsers include a feature to block pop-up windows. While this may eliminate unwanted or bothersome pop-up windows, the feature sometimes can impede the functionality of legitimate or useful websites.
Some popular Eastern-affiliated websites requiring pop-ups include Self-Service.
Follow the instructions below to configure your web browser to allow pop-up windows for your selected websites.
Note: If you have installed third-party applications to block pop-ups (examples include the Google, MSN, and Yahoo! toolbars), be sure to consult the vendor documentation to allow pop-up windows for desired websites.
Safari for macOS has no per-website control over blocking pop-up windows. Pop-ups are either blocked, or they are not. To allow pop-ups:
Note: If you are concerned about allowing pop-ups globally for all websites that you browse, consider using another web browser that allows website exceptions such as Chrome or Firefox.
When a website attempts to launch a new pop-up window, you may see dialog boxes alerting you of pop-up windows that have been blocked. Follow the instructions below to allow pop-up windows on a per-website basis.
Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 has no per-website control over blocking pop-up windows. Pop-ups are either blocked, or they are not. To allow pop-ups:
Note: If you are concerned about allowing pop-ups globally for all websites that you browse, consider using another web browser that allows website exceptions such as Chrome or Firefox.
Clearing the cache and cookies from a web browser is an important first-step for almost any troubleshooting for internet browsing. The 'cache' is a tool used by your internet browser to speed up the page loading process. However, sometimes it can cause a problem when websites are updated and developed as files saved in the cache may conflict with what is actually coded into the website. Clearing cache and cookies is a way to ensure that any issues you may come across are actually something wrong with the website, rather than inconsistencies caused by using different browsers.
If you are using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox you can quickly clear cache with a keyboard shortcut. While in your browser, press Ctrl + Shift + Delete simultaneously on the keyboard to open the appropriate window.
IMPORTANT: Be sure and close/quit the browser and restart it after clearing the cache and cookies.
Source information courtesy of The University of Iowa Information Technology Services.
Please complete the form below and describe your issue in detail. Please include if the issue involves Blackboard, Self Service, Email, Zoom, the EOSC website, etc.
The Multi-Media Center, located on the 3rd floor of the Bill H. Hill Library Building, offers a variety of services to faculty, staff, students and outside agents. Please contact Garrick Dobson, Multi-Media Communications Manager, for more information. If you should need any of the services listed below please submit an Audio/Visual Request Form.
ITV Meetings and Classes
PA Systems for meetings
Audio Visual Equipment
Special Lighting
Telephone System
Satellite System
Cable TV
Computers and Peripherals
Data Communication Lines
Two-way Communications
General A/V Electronic Repairs
ITV Equipment Training
Tape Duplication
Classroom Software Development
Pictures Copied
Equipment Usage Training
For information concerning the schedules for ITV or Distance Learning Classes please contact Garrick Dobson at
George Larson Chief Technical Officer 918.465.1710 |
Chris Ames Computer Systems Developer 918.465.1747 |
Tracy Clark Micro-Computer Support Specialist 918.465.1748 |
John Maxwell Allen Technical Support Specialist - McAlester Campus 918.302.3608 |
Garrick Dobson Multi-Media Communications Manager 918.465.1782 |