Eastern Oklahoma State College

TRiO Student Support Services

TRiO Student Support Services is a support system to help students succeed at Eastern Oklahoma State College. Our goal is to help students persist and graduate from Eastern and prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university or enter the workforce. Services are available in Wilburton and McAlester. TRiO is a program funded by the U.S. Department of Education, and is one of the more than 800 similar programs nationwide.

What Services are Available?

What we do depends in part on what you need to keep yourself enrolled, advised, counseled, funded and successful as an Eastern student. Our services provide a mix of support designed to help you enhance your academic and personal development. The staff will work with you on an individual or small group basis to provide the following:

  • Tutoring: Group study halls and individual tutoring available.   
  • Academic Advising and Counseling: A counselor is on staff to address academic and career planning.   
  • Financial Aid and Scholarship Application Assistance 
  • Student Success Workshops
  • Financial Literacy Workshops: One-hour workshops are offered throughout the semester over various topics to help ensure college success.   
  • Transfer Assistance: Unsure about transferring? We set up campus tours each semester.   
  • Educational and Cultural Activities: Each semester at least one cultural trip/event is offered (ballet, museum, leadership conference, etc.)

All services are provided to qualifying students free of charge in an effort to increase retention and graduation rates while improving study skills and enhancing the college experience. For more information about TRIO, visit the U.S. Department of Education's TRiO website. At this site you also have access to specific TRiO programs, and links to other colleges and universities that support these programs.


TRiO Student Success Center - Johnston Hall, First Floor
Or for the McAlester Campus contact 918.302.3617 or stop by the Information Center

Cynthia Valenzuela
TRiO Program Director

Cindy Waldrop
TRiO Administrative Assistant

Colby Carpenter
TRiO Career/Transfer/Academic Counselor

Paige Mouser
TRiO Tutor Coordinator/Academic Specialist

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