Eastern Oklahoma State College

Forage-Based Meat Goat Buck Test

Eastern Oklahoma State College, in partnership with Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, is home to the Oklahoma Forage-Basked Meat Goat Buck Test. Goat producers seeing ways to better manage their operations in ever more challenging production conditions can enroll their genetics in the popular test.


To identify individual bucks as well as their sires and dams that carry genetics expressing economically important traits in commercial meat goat production. Additionally, this test will allow breeders to compare genetics within their herd to make better management decisions as to herd lines that will produce profitable progeny for future herds. This test will also provide valuable information for all goat producers and the public.

NOTICE: Forage-Based Meat Goat Buck Test will not take place for 2024. 

Entry Info

Entries for the 16th Annual Oklahoma Forage-Based Meat Goat Buck Test will be open from April 26, 9 a.m. - May 3, 5 p.m., 2023.

2023 Entry Form

2023 Nomination Form

Additional Information

16th Annual Oklahoma Forage-Based Meat Goat Buck Test (pdf)

Staff and Contact Information

Technical Advisory Committee & Test Staff

Test Advisors- Barry Whitworth, DVM OCES Area Food/Animal Quality and Health Specialist 

Test Nutritionist- Brian Freking, OCES Southeast District Area Livestock Specialist 

OSU ExtensionStaff: Hannah Rea, Scott Clawson, JJ Jones, Justin McDaniel, Earl Ward 

Test Manager- Larriann Livingston, EOSC Dean of Agriculture (918) 465-1727  

Test Veterinarian - Dr. Karen Hall, DVM 918-917-9725

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