Eastern Oklahoma State College

Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences

Behavioral and Social Sciences is one of the most diverse divisions at Eastern relevant to program offerings. The division includes the Psychology and Sociology Department which emphasizes techniques of scientific inquiry and the contribution of psychology and sociology to the well-being of society and its members. The Child Development Department guides students toward a professional career to meet the specific needs of children, youth and families.  History and Political Science Department provides students the opportunity to develop a foundation in history or political science for university transfer. Finally, the Criminal Justice Department tailors programs to the specific career goals of students to include, corrections, law, juvenile delinquency, FBI, criminology, forensics and law enforcement.


The Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences, located in Mitchell Hall with offices also in Gunning and Baker Halls, offers associate degrees (AS and AA) that prepare graduates for transfer as juniors into bachelor’s degree programs at other colleges and universities. In addition, this Division has an AS degree program in Criminal Justice which is designed for either transfer or immediate employment in the field. The Division also has degree (AA & AAS) and certificate programs in Child Development.


Dr. Carter Mattson
Division Dean, History & Political Science Professor
Baker 117
Fax: 918.465.4484
Dr. Cathy Cogburn
Political Science Professor/Department Chair
Baker 115
Fax: 918.465.4432
Paul Wills
Psychology/Sociology Instructor
Mitchell 102B
Fax: 918.465.4454
Mandy Couch
Admin. Assistant for the Health Sciences and Behavioral & Social Sciences Divisions 
Gunning Hall 107B
Fax: 918.465.4462
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