Eastern Oklahoma State College

EOSC Hosts Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Meeting

March 15, 2024

Chancellor Allison Garrett (left), Regents Ann Holloway, Dustin Hilliary, Steven Taylor, Dennis Casey, Jeffrey Hickman, and Jack Sherry pose with EOSC President Dr. Janet Wansick in front of the EOSC Meat Processing Lab.

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education held their March monthly meeting at Eastern Oklahoma State College on Thursday. OSRHE recently began holding its monthly board meetings on college and university campuses around the state.

During the meeting, EOSC President Dr. Janet Wansick shared information about how the college’s strategic plan closely aligns with the OSRHE BluePrint2030. Both are focused on student access to higher education and student success. Wansick also shared information about the many partnerships between EOSC and area businesses, other colleges, and career technology centers.

After the meeting, members of the state regents’ staff and the state regents toured the EOSC campus, where they saw progress on the new student housing project, and toured the nursing skills lab and the meat processing plant. Several EOSC students joined the group for lunch and were able to share stories of why they chose Eastern and the important role the college plays in southeastern Oklahoma. 

OSRHE coordinates the state system of public colleges and universities which is comprised of 25 colleges and universities. This system includes two research universities, 10 regional universities, one public liberal arts university, 12 community colleges, 11 constituent agencies and one university center. Each institution is governed by a board of regents.
