Eastern Oklahoma State College


At Eastern Oklahoma State College, we want you to focus on starting your experience strong and not on how you'll pay for college. Eastern offers a variety of scholarships for academic, leadership and athletic success. Any student who completes the Admissions Application for the Fall 2025 semester will automatically be considered for all scholarships (Institutional, Foundation, Departmental, etc.).  

How to Apply

  • Complete the EOSC Admissions Application and submit the required documents (official high school transcripts through December of senior year and test scores) by February 21 for the priority deadline. There is no separate scholarship application.
  • All admissions applications should be submitted no later than February 21 for the following academic year to be considered for scholarships.
  • Test scores (ACT or SAT) are not required, however students with submitted test scores may be eligible for more competitive academic scholarships.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to be considered for a scholarship?
Submit a complete EOSC Admissions Application by the priority deadline of February 21. There is no separate scholarship application needed, but all required information including official high school transcripts (through December of senior year) and test scores are needed for an application to be considered complete.

Is any additional information needed to be considered for a scholarship?
No essays or letters of recommendation are needed. Official test scores (ACT or SAT) are also not required, however students with submitted test scores may be eligible for more competitive academic scholarships. 

Do I have to fill out the FAFSA in order to apply for scholarships?
No. But some EOSC Foundation scholarships are based on financial need and the FAFSA can be used to determine need.

If I meet the criteria for a scholarship, am I guaranteed to receive it?
No. All scholarships are awarded on a funds available basis each year, so receiving a scholarship is not guaranteed.

How will I be notified if I receive a scholarship?
Scholarship award notifications will be made in March. Students will be notified by letter or email.

Do I have to complete an application every year?
No. Returning sophomores will automatically be awarded the same scholarship as long as the renewal requirements are met.

What do I have to do to continue to receive my scholarship?
In order to meet eligibility requirements, students must normally complete at least 12 credit hours each semester and maintain a cumulative college GPA of 3.0 or better to retain an institutional scholarship. Most EOSC Foundation scholarships require a 2.5 GPA or better.

What can my scholarship be used for?
Tuition waivers will be applied to general tuition, up to the total amount charged. Room waivers will be applied up to $800 each semester for rooms in Johnston and Choctaw Residence Halls or Regents Court only (room waivers may not be used for the East dorms or adult campus apartments). Foundation scholarships can be applied to any institutional charges and can be refunded to the student if all charges are paid in full. Scholarships and waivers may be adjusted if the student is receiving scholarships and other financial assistance that surpasses the cost of attendance. Students will be notified when this occurs. 


Mimi Kelley
Fax: 918.426.1606
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