Residence Life Handbook
Eastern is committed to providing students with a safe and comfortable living and learning environment that will enhance academic success. Living on campus provides students with an opportunity to live in an environment comprised of individuals with diverse academic interests, backgrounds, cultures, races and experiences. The Residence Life Handbook will help you become acquainted with Eastern’s Residence Life program and provide important information regarding your new home.
Housing FAQs
1. What should students pack?
The document linked below is meant to be a useful guide of suggested items to pack.
2. Can students decorate their rooms?
Students are encouraged to make their rooms as comfortable as possible however all posters must be hung with double-stick tape or some type of removable adhesive. Students may bring carpet pieces to cover the floor in their room but actual size differs between residence hall rooms and the student may need to measure before carpet is cut.
3. What types of linens are needed?
Students will need to bring pillows, sheets, blankets, pillow cases, comforters (single size), towels, and wash cloths. Mattresses are between 78 and 80 inches. Students assigned single occupancy in Regents Court (units A or B) will need full size bedding.
4. Where can students receive mail?
There is NO general delivery mail at Eastern. Therefore if students expect to receive mail we suggest that they purchase a mail box at our Post Office located in the student union building across from the Eastern Bookstore. Visit the Campus Resources page (insert link here) for setup instruction and cost.
5. What appliances are allowed?
Appliances are limited to those with closed coil elements specifically coffee pots, hot pots, hot air poppers and blenders. Desk lamps, hair dryers, CD players, electric shavers and toothbrushes and computers are all approved electrical appliances. Each room is allowed a microwave oven (under 600 watts) and a small refrigerator (equal to or less than 5 cubic feet).
6. What appliances are NOT allowed?
Room AC units, camp stoves, ceiling fans, crock pots, electric skillets, bread makers, griddles, halogen lamps, hot oil poppers, hot plates, oven broilers, power tools, rice cookers/steamers, sandwich makers, George Forman grills, space heaters, toasters or toaster ovens are NOT allowed. Candles lighted or unlighted are not permitted. Hoverboards, skateboards and scooters are not allowed.
7. Is tobacco use allowed in student rooms or anywhere on campus?
No. As of Aug. 1, 2012, Eastern Oklahoma State College is a tobacco-free environment and does not permit tobacco use anywhere on campus.
8. What is the alcohol policy?
Eastern has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for alcohol use or abuse on campus. Alcohol use by any student under the age of 21 is prohibited and will be prosecuted and disciplined according to the rules listed in the Student Handbook.
9. Who is the resident staff and what do they do?
One of the most important people students will interact with will be Residence Life staff members. The Residence Life Coordinator and each of the Dorm Coordinators are responsible for the overall supervision of the residence hall. The Resident Hall Assistant or RA is a full-time student carefully selected by the office of Student Affairs to offer day-to-day assistance. Every floor has an RA who is available to help with floor activities, maintenance issues and personal problems. The Coordinators have the overall responsibility of the dorm and answer to the Student Life Director.
10. Whom should students call if something is not working properly in their room?
Students should contact their floor RA or the on duty Dorm Coordinator. If they are unable to reach both, they can file their maintenance concern in the office of the Student Life Director.
11. What happens if roommates cannot get along?
Students are permitted to change rooms in the residence halls as many times as needed for the first full week of each semester. Once that week has gone by they are expected to work with their chosen roommate through any difficulties. Each case is looked at individually when extenuating circumstances exist.
12. Whom do students talk with about a personal situation?
They can talk with their floor RA, the Dorm Coordinator, the Residence Life Coordinator or the Student Life Director.
13. Is cable TV available?
Cable TV is available at no extra charge in each room, in each residence hall. Any room needing cable extension cord or appropriate hook-up can contact their RA for assistance.
14. What are the visitation rules and quiet hours?
Visitation Rules are as follows: Sunday thru Thursday from 10 a.m. to midnight. On Friday and Saturday visitation is from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Quiet hours must be observed after 11 p.m. on any night of the week.
15. How can students connect to the Internet?
There is a wireless system in each residence hall for students to connect to the Internet. With over 35 access points across campus, students, faculty and staff can stay connected to the Internet. Visitors and guests that require mobile connectivity are encouraged to take advantage of our wireless technology. Contact Computer Services for more information.
16. What will happen if a student’s room has a cleaning problem?
On-duty hosts and RA will be expected to make periodic room checks. Any student who fails to respect the request of their host or RA to clean up their room will be sent to the Student Life Director's office where fines may be imposed.
17. Where can students park their cars?
There is permit parking for each student’s vehicle at their various assigned dorms. Students are NOT permitted to drive their cars across campus to attend class in buildings they are expected to walk to unless there is a physical reason for them to be transported (provable by a physician’s note) in this manner.
18. How does a student get a parking permit?
Students who drive on the campus and keep a vehicle on campus either as a commuter or as a resident must have their car registered and will be assessed a $20 fee (charged to their account) for a parking permit. Permits can be picked up from the Office of Student Affairs in the Library/Administration Building, room 139. Please also note replacement permits cost an additional $15.
19. Are student’s allowed to have pets?
Students are NEVER allowed to have pets on this campus for any reason. Some students who live in campus apartments are permitted to have medical assistance animals but only if they provide the physician’s proof for this. Please see the ADA Coordinator, located in Library 154.
20. Are laundry facilities available?
Yes, there are laundry facilities in each residence hall for students living in that building. Students will be assessed a $50 laundry fee each semester and washers and dryers can be used as needed at no additional cost.